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Top Valentine’s Day Gifts from Asher’s

heartblogWith Valentine’s Day just around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about what you’re going to get your significant other, or that special someone you’ve been secretly admiring, to show them just how special they are (that is, if you haven’t already put some thought into this already).

But you don’t just want to get your loved one any old gift. You want to give them something that they’ll truly cherish and something that you can be proud of. It’s not difficult to Continue reading Top Valentine’s Day Gifts from Asher’s

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How to Pair Wine and Chocolate

Pairing wine and chocolate may seem daunting at first, but it’s fairly easy once you know a few basics. One thing to consider is that wine best complements chocolate when it’s just a degree of the chocolate. Also, as with other food pairings, light flavors should be paired with lightly flavored wine. For instance, you’d probably want to serve a delicate white chocolate with a soft white zinfandel. Another thing to consider, however, is what other flavor components are involved in a particular piece of chocolate. Chocolate confections that include nuts, fruits, or cream may require a slightly different pairing than their plain counterparts. Following are several chocolate and wine pairing suggestions that work well with any palate. Continue reading How to Pair Wine and Chocolate

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Sugar Free Chocolate: Healthy Change, Same Great Flavor

dark_chocolate_barsSFSugar has long been considered a sort of substitute for real flavor. When we feel like something doesn’t taste interesting, sugar tends to be the first thing we add in order to make a difference.

Look at how popular sugary soft drinks are in the world in comparison to healthy, body conscious, options like green tea. When we go to our snack cabinet there is the likelihood that we are going to reach for something sugar filled. The sweet cloying taste makes us feel good, but does it have to be that way? Does sugar free always mean ‘bad flavor’? Continue reading Sugar Free Chocolate: Healthy Change, Same Great Flavor

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4 Reasons to Enjoy Chocolate Right Now!

dark chocolate almond bark broken into pieces to show the perfect proportion of chocolate with nutsChocolate is one of the most revered sweets in human history. An appreciation of chocolate as a treat can be dated back to the 16th century when the cocoa bean rose to popularity in Europe. Since then chocolate can be found in just about every place you look: on fruits, pretzels, and even in ice cream. There are many reasons to absolutely adore chocolate, not the least of which is its decadent flavor. Continue reading 4 Reasons to Enjoy Chocolate Right Now!

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What’s My Chocolate Footprint?

Those who love chocolate and those who love adorable animals of all types often have quite a bit of overlap. Who could possibly dislike either? But for a long time it seemed like cacao seeds, nibs, and chocolateenjoying chocolate carried a risk of environmental degradation.

Luckily, scientists have stepped up to measure and analyze the chocolate footprint of chocophiles. Continue reading What’s My Chocolate Footprint?

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Asher’s Best: A Chocolate Covered 2014 in Review

For over four generations we’ve been developing delicious chocolate covered treats for our customers.While most companies eagerly look forward to their future we can’t help but look back and appreciate our past. That is why we’ve decided to put together a list of some of the best chocolate covered treats from 2014. You’ll find listed below what we believe to be representative of our customer’s finest chocolate experiences. Enjoy!

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Diabetics Guide to Sugar Free Chocolate

People who are diagnosed with diabetes frequently fear that they’ll have to completely give up their favorite desserts. While they’ll have to follow a nutritional plan, there is room in most diabetic diets for the occasional splurge. Even better, there are companies that produce sugar free chocolate that is every bit as scrumptious as its white-sugar filled counterpart. Continue reading Diabetics Guide to Sugar Free Chocolate