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Recipe: How to Make Chocolate Covered Kale

chunks of baking chocolate

Kale is one of those leafy green vegetables that provides many health benefits. This vegetable helps you obtain an array of vitamins, nutrients and fiber with a low number of calories per serving. Furthermore, you get 100 mg of calcium, 329 mg of potassium, 80 mg of vitamin C and a bunch of other nutrients per cup, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.

But if kale is one of those vegetables you have trouble eating by itself, you can still get its nutrients and actually enjoy eating it by making it more exciting. Try this healthy and tasty chocolate covered kale chips recipe to liven up your kale. Continue reading Recipe: How to Make Chocolate Covered Kale

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Shipping Chocolate: How Do We Keep it Cool and Creamy?

melted chocolate puddle

Asher’s takes great care in crafting our delicious chocolates, so we wouldn’t want it to melt or spoil before it gets to you. That’s why we take the extra time to package and ship your chocolates in the best way possible.

Shipping chocolate is a delicate process. So, just like the local weatherman, we wake up each morning and check the weather where each delivery is headed.

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Top Five Gifts For Graduates

Preschool graduate surrounded by proud family

Graduation Day

Graduation Day is the culmination of lots of hard work (some more than others)!

Regardless of the time it took to reach graduation, your loved one has earned that diploma! It is a day for loved ones to celebrate the importance of education and moving on to the next step in life.

Family support goes a long way here. Sharing your sense of pride and accomplishment shows the graduate those values that your family deems important. No matter where the transition takes him, mental preparation will give him or her the longest-lasting value.

As your young relatives set out to take on the world, encourage them with inspirational quotes or a small gift instead of cash. For young people, motivation goes much further than cash!

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Chocolate Bunnies—An Easter Favorite!

Asher’s fans truly are the best!

We received the most endearing letter last month from an Asher’s customer about our chocolate bunnies. Beth Ziegler wrote in to thank us for the giant chocolate bunny her sons won in our contest last Easter.


a boy and his giant chocolate bunny


Beth tells the story best:

“I wanted to send my sincere gratitude for the 25-pound Milk Chocolate Bunny that was won by my brother, Bill H., last Easter.

I actually remember seeing it on display and thought, ‘Wow, that bunny is HUGE. I wonder who is going to win that.” I never dreamed it would soon be coming home with me!“

  Continue reading Chocolate Bunnies—An Easter Favorite!

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National Potato Chip Day: Nine Things to Know

chocolate covered potato chips

In honor of National Potato Chip Day, we’ve got some wild and weird facts about America’s favorite snack food. Enjoy!


-To start, President Thomas Jefferson introduced fried potatoes to America first. He did this after trying the delicacy in France.

-Potato chips lovers originally called them “Saratoga Chips”

-Favorite chip flavors vary around the world: spaghetti (France), seaweed (Hong Kong), roast chicken (Ireland), oregano (Greece), mayonnaise (Japan), and mint (India).

-Yukon Gold potatoes make the very best potato chips.

-The British often call potato chips “crisps” and French fries “chips”. Got that?

-During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, high Vitamin C content made potatoes highly valued. Consequently, miners traded gold for potatoes.

-After death, the man who invented the Pringles can was cremated. Additionally, his family buried his ashes in a Pringles can.

-Manufacturers slice regular potato chips to less than 1/10 of an inch. Ridged chips, like those used in our Chocolate Covered Potato Chips, are four times thicker than regular potato chips.

-Interestingly, the potato was the first vegetable Astronauts grew in space.

Share these fun facts with your friends! Click on the social share buttons below.

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For Adults-Only: Chocolate Covered S’mores Cake Recipe

romantic couple by fire

A dessert for adults only:  the same treat you loved as a child, but with a spiked twist.

Put the kids to bed and cozy up as a couple to share a slice of this luscious s’mores cake. (Crackling fireplace optional.) When the occasion calls for something to impress, this no-bake creation will stir childhood memories into a sophisticated dessert. Blending rich, nutty Italian liqueurs — Kahlúa, Nocello (walnut), and Frangelico (hazelnut) — with classic s’mores ingredients, and plenty of cream and cocoa, will surely please the palette.

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Asher’s Judges 74 Chocolate Cakes to Pick Pennsylvania’s Best

chocolate cakes


Asher’s sales representative Bob English is a lucky man. In early January, Pennsylvania’s Farm Show approached him to be a judge in Pennsylvania’s 98th Annual Chocolate Cake Baking Contest. Considered the “Rose Bowl of cake-baking”, the contest takes place annually at Pennsylvania’s Farm Show in Harrisburg. The Farm Show only invites the 74 baking contestants after they achieve a first-place win at one of Pennsylvania’s participating county fairs.

The competition is always fierce in this event. As a result, the announcement that a young man won first place and the $500 prize shocked the other contestants.

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Top Four Asher’s Chocolate Covered Treats for Valentine’s Day

When people think of Valentine’s Day, they think of chocolates, and this is for good reason. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 36 million chocolate boxes are sold in the United States every year. In addition, about 50 percent of women will end up purchasing a chocolate gift for a man. Continue reading Top Four Asher’s Chocolate Covered Treats for Valentine’s Day

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Asher’s Top 10 Chocolate Covered Treats of 2013

As we look back on 2013 and all the great memories we created, it’s hard not to think about all the delicious candy that we made at Asher’s this year. This year we made well over 8.5 million pounds of chocolate, all while staying true to the same recipes we’ve been using for over 100 years! That must mean our recipes stand the test of time! Take a look at what our top ten chocolate covered treats were for 2013 and why our customers enjoy them so much. Continue reading Asher’s Top 10 Chocolate Covered Treats of 2013

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No Sugar, No Problem: What Makes a Sugar Free Chocolate?

When it comes to sizing up confections, chocolate tends to have far less sugar than other popular candies and treats. But even reduced quantities of sugar can be a problem for some individuals. Dietary limitations, either self-imposed or health related, can limit the amount of sugar a person can consume. In some cases, the presence of sugars in chocolate can rule it out entirely as an option for individuals. Continue reading No Sugar, No Problem: What Makes a Sugar Free Chocolate?